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Tax Knowlegde Platform

The assignment

The Register Belastingadviseurs (RB), the professional association for tax advisers for SMEs, approached us with a strategic challenge: how do we remain relevant and attractive to current and future members, at a time when the tax adviser’s environment is changing drastically? We designed a solution in which all ambitions and wishes came together: the Tax Knowledge Platform.

The tax field is in a state of flux. Due to ‘tax technology’ (automation of administrative, manual actions), the tasks of the tax advisor will shift in the coming years. These times make different demands on the modern consultant, and therefore also on a future-proof professional association. How can the association properly support and guide its members through the transition, and remain attractive and relevant for current and future members?

The RB takes care of advocacy towards government and politics, growth of new talent, professional information and professional support, training to become a registered tax advisor, and Permanent Education courses and workshops to maintain quality and knowledge.

The solution

In a number of strategic sessions, we devised the Tax Knowledge Platform together with the client; a digital platform where the various target groups are personally addressed.

  • The platform provides RB members with information and support from the RB members and the Bureau Vaktechniek, the internal specialists of the professional association.
  • Members will find interesting legal and tax downloads and can register for courses to earn their Continuing Education points (this is a professional competence requirement for tax specialists to continue developing). In addition to the development, there is an integrated discussion platform that makes it possible to exchange ideas with other members.
  • SME entrepreneurs can find information about similar challenges. In addition, they can find a registered tax advisor in their area for direct support.
  • Tax consultancy firms are supported in the recruitment of new staff through the link with the recruitment platform Tax-Jobs. Here they can post vacancies and connect new young talents.
  • Finally, the platform provides a special portal for students. After all, today’s students are tomorrow’s new members. For this target group, the platform contains practical cases, an opportunity to build a network and an internship marketplace.

Who is Register Belasting­adviseurs?

The Register of Tax Advisers (RB) is the professional association of tax advisers for SMEs. They can turn to the RB for advocacy towards government and politics, technical information and professional support. In addition, you can be trained to become a registered tax advisor and participate in Permanent Education courses and workshops to maintain quality and knowledge.

Website design

The purpose of the website is to inspire and inform florists (and wholesalers) about the Alstroemeria and give tips, advice and background information which can help the target audiences. The assortment has to be present with relevant information for the florist, including a link to the webshops that sell the flower and a FAQ section with answers to common questions.

To further help the image of the Alstroemeria, we have decided to use not only product photos but also photos where the Alstroemeria is being handled by the florist, wholesaler or customer. This way we can show in which different seasons, events, and locations the Alstroemeria can be used. We also added new topics to the inspiration section of the website called everyFlorist and everySeason. In the everyFlorist section, we introduce the florists which sell the Alstroemeria with an interview. everySeason focuses on the current season and how the Alstroemeria can be used in that season (and all others).

The design which we created was then built into a working prototype for the client and us to share. We used Adobe XD to create the design and prototype, since it enables us to easily share the designs with the client and internal teams.

The homepage with search, audience pages and featured news per audience.
Tax advisor page including downloads, courses, news, magazine and more.


In realizing the Knowledge Platform, we combined intensive knowledge of the target groups with the wishes of the RB and the members in order to match the solution with various internal processes.

Step 1: Research

When studying the different target groups, the wishes of the members were of course taken into account; the foundation of the organization. They must be supported on all fronts. The most important pillars turned out to be: information provision and knowledge sharing, development through education and courses, and the growth of new talent. An internal investigation provided the necessary insight into the processes and working methods of the various departments and functions involved. By taking a deep dive into this, it also created the opportunity to optimize those processes: more efficient and compliant with the latest security requirements.

Step 2: Visualization

The results of step 1 were translated into user requirements and a visual design. Always in consultation with the customer, these designs were further developed, with careful consideration of the technical environment of the RB. We therefore opted for a platform with a central database. By using APIs, we linked various services for the best result.

Advanced login and sign up features, including becoming a member form.
Personalized education dashboard, with your finished courses and progression.

Step 3: Build

After the delivery of the architecture, construction of the platform started. For its design, a number of generic and widely used technical solutions have been chosen, such as SQL, Java, Python, Django, Wagtail, Ubuntu, OAuth 2, ORM, MVC, REST, Google Cloud Platform, Google App Engine. For example, the platform is built to be sustainable and future-proof. The structure and variety of components has required an Agile working method. The cooperation between the development team and the product owner has been intensive. This has also led to adjustments and changes during the project.

Deliverables from the MVP:

  • Website
  • Member portal (different target groups)
  • Backend CMS
  • CRM module
  • Course modules
  • Administration module (members and finance)
  • Discussion forum integration
  • Platform communication from Mailgun
  • Spotler link for communication with the target groups
  • Api connection SSO with PE-online

In the course of the process, links were made with various components such as Mailgun, Company Webcast, PE-online, Spotler, etc. Integration of two-step verification ultimately also provides additional security for member information.

Step 4: Go live and promote

To promote the Tax Knowledge Platform and clearly visualize the various functions, a general video has been made to draw attention to the platform, plus a number of videos specifically for the various target groups (tax specialist, entrepreneurs and students).

Services we provide

Finding the right way to develop the technical solution you need can be hard. Can’t find developers? Struggling to scale up your team? Or do you simply need guidance during the development process? We are here to help and expand your digital experience.

Grow your team or create a dedicated team. Hire developers for the creation, migration or maintenance of software and mobile applications. This is possible with a team from Sri Lanka, but can also be supported and guided from our office in the Netherlands.

We will handle all the tasks necessary for your development project. This includes solution, design, development, project management and DevOps.


Prepare for 2023!

The end of the year is approaching, so new challenges for the new year are emerging. Building a development team, scaling your in-house development team or looking for a partner to build your mobile application, software or website? Leave your details for a quick speed date and discover what we can do for you!